ICCS Kendall

ICCS-Kendall is a residential community corrections facility located approximately one block from the bus stop at Colfax and Kendall Street in Lakewood, Colorado. A parking lot is located on the 2.5 acre sight with sufficient parking for services and populations served. The facility is central to employment and service opportunities for our clients. We provide in-house substance abuse treatment, cognitive skills groups as well as 12-step type support programs with a full compliment of educational programming. Specific mental health services are also provided and described in this proposal. The facility is leased from Jefferson County and the lease is contiguous to the contract with the County Corrections Board to provide community corrections services to the 1st Judicial District, Jefferson and Gilpin counties.
The building is a 1922 vintage 2-story hospital building with residential rooms on the first and second floors along with handicap accessibility to the entryway, toilets and showers. Adequate ingress and egress is available for handicapped individuals. The facility is in compliance with the Colorado Community Corrections Standards.
Address: 1651 Kendall Street Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 232-4002
Out Client Services (720) 544-5547 - Monday - Friday
Monitoring Hours for Urine Screens and Oral Swabs:
3:30pm - 12am
Clients must be signed in by 11:00pm
Accepted forms of payment are cash and money orders. At this time we do not accept coins, personal checks, or credit/debit cards.
Programs Offered at this Facility
Transition - Transition residents are referred by the Department of Corrections (DOC) and are placed at ICCS prior to their sentence discharge, release to Parole, or release to the Inmate Intensive Supervision Program, under supervision of the Department of Corrections, Division of Adult Parole and Community Corrections.
Diversion - Diversion residents are placed in the program as a condition of their probation or as a direct sentence. Diversion clients who successfully complete the residential portion of the program move to non-residential supervision where they progress toward independent living utilizing community support and services.
Non-Residential - Diversion clients who successfully complete the terms and condition of the residential program progress to the ICCS non-residential program. On this level of supervision, clients have demonstrated an acceptable level of responsibility and ability to live independently in the community. Most non-residential clients continue in prescribed treatment on an aftercare basis and many continue to pay restitution and/or participate in other activities.
Residential Dual Diagnosis Treatment (RDDT) - This program provides treatment services designed to measurably reduce recidivism, incarceration and re-incarceration for the mentally ill and substance using offender population. The RDDT program is designed to effect a complete change in lifestyle, which includes control of compulsive behaviors, elimination of criminal behavior, and the acquisition of positive attitudes, values and behaviors which reflect honesty, responsibility, non-violence, and a balanced reliance on self and others. ICCS’ goal is to retain or return those offenders to the community with the ability to succeed in society as productive individuals while preserving community safety.
START - The Short Term Alternative Residential Treatment program (up to 90 days) is a collaborative program for Jefferson County Probation and Recovery Court clients suffering from severe and persistent mental illness and substance abuse disorders. The program is specifically designed to help those struggling with housing, mental health, and treatment options.
Condition of Parole (COP) - ICCS provides services to parolees either as a condition of their parole ordered by the State Parole Board, or as a new parolee lacking an appropriate residence in the community.
Sex Offender (SXO) - Following Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) standards, ICCS provides residential case management, accountability oversight and “Bridge Treatment” (provided by SOMB approved providers) to offenders who are or will become involved in Sex Offense Specific Treatment. ICCS staff is part of the containment team who meet regularly to insure compliance on the part of the offender. Per SOMB ICCS staff is a part of the Containment Team.
Sex Offender Lifetime Program - Along with RSA and parole, ICCS staff travels to prisons that facilitate the Sex Offender Treatment Monitoring Program and interview potential candidates face to face. ONLY those who are thoroughly vetted by the group are allowed to progress in the screening process. The program allows a step down program for offenders that need the support to become established with a residence, treatment and employment, which enhances community safety.
Federal Probation Clinical Services - Through Behavioral Treatment Services (BTS), clinicians provide assessments for mental health and substance abuse issues for federal parole clients. This includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other treatment on an individual or group basis. This modality allows for federal probationers to maintain their community placement.
Contact information:
Program Manager - Josey Hall, jhall@int-iccs.org
Referral and Placement Inquires:
(720) 417-1512 or ccreferrals@int-iccs.org