The Colorado Constitution requires that victims of certain crimes have the right to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect. They also have the right to be present, heard and informed about certain critical stage events for those offenders who are under probation supervision.
Dignity, Fairness and Respect... Present, Heard and Informed
Our Victim Services Division provides victim notification, resource referrals, financial assistance, protection orders and criminal justice information in their respective jurisdictions.
Victims of crime, immediate family members or appointed representatives may request notification of offender Critical Stage Events of a case. A request must be made in writing on online by returning a Crime Victim Notification Request Form to a Intervention Victim Service Specialist.
Victim Services Brochure
ICCS Victim Services Brochure
Crime Victim Notification Form (Victim Rights Amendment Crimes Only)
If the defendant is sentenced to work release, please contact the appropriate County Sheriff's Victim Services Unit for assistance.
Victim Services Outcome Survey (Victim Rights Amendment Crimes Only)
Online English / Online Spanish
Victim Services Outcome Survey (Please only use for terming VNOT enrolled probation or community corrections cases)